Crypto #2
The main weakness here is that the same key is reused to encrypt all the value provided. For a stream cipher encryption algorithm what this mean is that all the plaintext will be XORed with the same value (for the first block) and we have a situation called a multiple time pad.
What you can do with a 2-time pad is the following :
plaintext1 XOR key = encrypted1
plaintext2 XOR key = encrypted2
encrypted1 XOR encrypted2 = (plaintext1 XOR key) XOR (plaintext2 XOR key) = plaintext1 XOR plaintext2
Now to find the exact value of the plaintext, what we have to do is the following :
1 - Compute all combinaison of "caracter XOR caracter" for all caracter of the charset.
2 - Lookup for all the possible caracter that have a result for "encrypted1[0] XOR encrypted2[0]" in the previous step. This will give a subset of possible caracters for plaintext1[0].
3 - Repeat step 2 with "encrypted1[0] XOR encryptedX[0]" for all other encrypted value.
4 - Since the value must be in all the subset you have found, intersect them all and you will have found first caracter of encrypted1.
With this, you should be able to decrypt the first block of the password of "thatguy".
For the other block, what you had to do is instead of using all the other block, you need to use all the block for which the previous block has the same value as the previous block of the plaintext of "thatguy".
Crypto #3
Crypto #4
For this solution, I will do it in 2 parts. The first one is finding the length of key and the second one is finding the key.
To find the length of the key, you can use the Hamming distance of the binary representation between each block. Statistically speaking, the Hamming distance will be minimal when you compare 2 blocks that have the same length as the key. The reason this usually works well is that if you have the correct length "enc2 XOR enc1 = plain1 XOR plain2" and if plain1 and plain2 have similar ASCII code, the Hamming distance will be small.
The find the key, you can do it caracter by caracter. What you have to do is simply look for the caracter that when used to decrypt the message will yield caracters that are the closer to an English letter distribution.
And with the key, you can now decrypt the message.
Crypto #5
- Y3NnYW1lcw== (Base64)
- %63%73%67%61%6d%65%73 (URL Encode)
- ca48aca99bf3b952a56305050f86eeb422e90d3e (SHA1)
- a50aaf14c77970a80565f6d1cc51850d (MD4)
- *2F5FD2319AE0721EE4A400DAB101B241D8E68D6B (MySQL PASSWORD)
- pftnzrf (ROT13 or CAESAR CIPHER)
Crypto #7
Further read
If you want to see the implementation of the solution or see the challenge again, you can find them here :
Great, Thanks !